Family History Options

Today I did 10 names from the Improve Places Names option in Family Tree.

Screenshot from Family Tree App

Working on this took me about 5 minutes. Some of the place names I reviewed were for ancestors and others were not my ancestors but they are someone’s ancestors.

I also spent some time on Instagram checking our Family Search posts. Again very informative and they take only a minute of so to read.

I also made connections with Kanda in Thailand on Instagram. I sent her the Church’s post on the Bangkok Thailand Temple Open House and encouraged her to go see the newest temple in Bangkok. Kanda and I had a short conversation over Instagram at 6:30 in the morning. A wonderful connection to start my day.

Technology is truly amazing!!

Jesus Christ and Family History

I attended Rootstech 2023 earlier this month. I watched the introduction video for ward and stake leaders today while I was exercising.

My parents at Idaho Falls Temple

I was struck by the fact that it wasn’t until 18 minutes into the presentation by Elders Gong and Bednar, President Porter, Sister Yee, and Elders Hamilton and Duncan, that any of them used the words family history or geneaology!! The entire focus was on Jesus Christ and how, knowing Him and seeking to emulate Him by keeping commandments and ordinances of the Gospel, connects us to Him and to our families.

I had a few Aha! moments as I listened and pedaled and sweated.  1. The focus of everything needs to be Jesus Christ. 2. I need to believe more in miracles and the saving and healing grace of Jesus Christ in my own life and the lives of my husband and children. I keep asking the Lord what I should be doing to help them come unto  Christ but I realize I need to give the control to the Lord and just ask that He make me an instrument in His hands. I can’t bring my family to Christ only He can. 3. I need to spend more time in the temple and also researching family names.

Here is the link for the session. It is about 40 minutes long.  Utah

4 months and 2 days!!

It has been 4 months and 2 days since my January 22 FH Reboot. Wow! And I have made maybe 5 entries since then…

LIFE!! Well, life has been crazy and my life has seen a lot of changes. The world has seen a lot of changes like Russia invading Ukraine, the end? of the COVID pandemic, high inflation, and a very tight job market.

My life change list includes 1. I am now working full time for Intermountain Healthcare as a nurse case manager on T6. 2. I resigned from being a BYU clinical instructor going forward (not because I didn’t love that job, I did, but because I want work at one job full time..I have never done that or at least not for a long time). 3. Gil and I are adapting to being empty nesters. 4. I am down to 150 pounds and hopefully still losing. 5. I am becoming a real hiker and have done a hike or at least a 2 mile walk for 19 weeks!! 6. I am more community involved than ever and loving it. 7. I have attended the temple almost weekly for the last 5 months. 8. I am learning more and more about being a disciple of Jesus Christ and developing Christlike attributes. 9. I have always been a fairly early riser but 5:30 is pretty normal for me now with hopefully 3 to 4 days/week of 4:30 am. 10. Seems like there should be 10 things but can’t think of one right now.

I am still trying to establish a consistent habit of daily FH. I watched a great video today from Rootstech 2022 that helped to demotivate. It showed some quick ways I can do FH on my phone in short 5 to 10 minute increments. Today, on the way to work I updated my Journey app for the last week with photos I had taken but not added to Journey. I also updated my 52 Hike FB page for the first time in months. The video: How to Save Your Best Memories is linked below.

Flowers on Grandeur Peak May 2022
My parents Max and Serena Watt at Idaho Falls Temple May 2022
Gil and I in St. George, Utah April 2022
View from Grandeur Peak Mother’s Day 2022
Jess and I in Dixie Rock area April 2022