I have a wonderful life. A daughter recently got engaged ! Another daughter courageously competed in a university pageant and did extremely well! My third daughter is doing very well in her work and continues to battle debilitating depression. My oldest daughter is wrapping up her undergraduate college degree in Environmental Science.

My husband, Gil, is such a good man and loving father. He also makes a mean batch of scones. Because I work pretty much every Thursday, he started working from home on Thursdays and making the bread dough for our monthly service at the VOA Homeless Youth Shelter. He is always getting compliments on the scones. The youth really enjoy using scones as base for Navajo tacos or slathering honey butter, powdered sugar, or plain sugar on a hot scone. Just one of the many ways he supports me in my “causes. ”

I don’t think I posted about him being willing to dress up as a brine shrimp during a vigil for the Great Salt Lake. As part of any activity with LDS Earth Stewardship SLC chapter, we meet up at the Capitol on Valentine’s Day and danced and sang around the Capitol dressed as various species who call the Great Salt Lake home. Definitely, not an activity Gil would have voluntarily signed up for but he drove there with me and participated because he loves me and has fond memories of the Great Salt Lake.

I am so blessed in my life. I am humbled by the Lord’s generosity to me and my family. I know that all good things in my life are a gift from God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I know that hearing the word of God from living prophets and apostles is a true manifestation of the Lord’s love for me and all people. I know the Book of Mormon is a gift that truly keeps on giving.

just last night, I was reading Jacob 5, the longest chapter in the Book of Mormon and one of my favorite chapters. In verses 73 and 74, I read:

And there began to be the natural fruit again in the vineyard; and the natural branches began to grow and thrive exceedingly; and the wild branches began to be plucked off and to be cast away; and they did keep the root and the top thereof equal, according to the strength thereof. 74 And thus they labored, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, even until the bad had been cast away out of the vineyard, and the Lord had preserved unto himself that the trees had become again the natural fruit; and they became like unto one body; and the fruits were equal; and the Lord of the vineyard had preserved unto himself the natural fruit, which was most precious unto him from the beginning.

I had never really noticed those words before and they really struck me last night. I know the Lord of this Earth is not happy with the inequality in material possessions, the waste of the natural resources of this earth and the misuse of these resources for the obscene enrichment of a few.

The Lord is truly the Lord of the Vineyard and He expects me and everyone else to wisely and lovingly interact with this amazing creation, the world, and all living things. Reading Jacob 5 especially after listening to Mike and Bryce with Talking Scriptures podcast, fills my soul with wonder and gratitude at how much my Heavenly Father loves me and all His children. His tender and loving care of the vineyard helps me want to be a servant in the vineyard. His patience and focus on each of His “trees,” poignantly reminds me that I need to be more patient and caring when those in my small part of the vineyard, “bear bitter fruit.”

My disciple’s journey can’t be a leisurely stroll in an amazing park just taking in the sights and wonders. My hands will get dirty, my muscles and joints will ache, my eyes will want to avoid the ugly and the soul wrenching views, my heart will mourn and sometimes break as I do my minute part in helping to bring to pass the grand unfolding majesty of the Lord’s plan of happiness.

I read today these words from Elder Neal A. Maxwell spoken in April 1987. He is speaking of discipleship.

Some give of their time yet withhold themselves, being present without giving of their presence and going through the superficial motions of membership instead of the deep emotions of consecrated discipleship.

Some try to get by with knowing only the headlines of the gospel, not really talking much of Christ or rejoicing in Christ and esteeming lightly His books of scripture which contain and explain His covenants (see 2 Ne. 25:26).

Some are so proud they never learn of obedience and spiritual submissiveness. They will have very arthritic knees on the day when every knee shall bend. There will be no gallery then to play to; all will be participants!

Maintaining Church membership on our own terms, therefore, is not true discipleship.

Real disciples absorb the fiery darts of the adversary by holding aloft the quenching shield of faith with one hand, while holding to the iron rod with the other (see Eph. 6:16; 1 Ne. 15:24; D&C 27:17). There should be no mistaking; it will take both hands!

I want to be a real disciple, not a pretender. I want to be a true servant who wears out my life in service to my fellow travelers on this mortal journey.

It is begun…

Yesterday I started reviewing my journal for the last 15 months. This morning I got up and started writing my life story.

I decided to use a similar format to The Book of Mormon..a title page, eventually some witnesses, an explanation of the format and the books.

I am trying to decide if I organize the books as time periods or more along the lines of concepts/categories.

I made a commitment to myself that I would work on my life history for 20 minutes, then do 20 minutes of Family History and then 15 minutes of decluttering.

I am excited to work on this endeavor. I have known since I heard Sis. Wendy Nelson speak at 2015 BYU Women’s Conference on the power of 1 hour a day of Family History, that I need that power in my life.

I have struggled to make that 1 hour a day a habit but I have begun anew and I am going to see it through.

The Book of Mormon is an integral part of my life. Spiritual development and my journey as a follower of Jesus Christ have been made possible by the contents of The Book of Mormon and the power of its message. It truly is Another Testament of Christ. http://Book of Mormon

I have realized that I don’t share my testimony of the truthfulness, power, and spirit of The Book of Mormon enough. 2024 is the year I change that. I will speak out and I will testify with courage and love.

Recently, a dear friend whom I greatly admire, shared with me his love of The Book of Mormon. He told me how he has read from the Book of Mormon nightly for years. In a voice full of emotion he shared how much he loved the book and how it has blessed his life. My heart was deeply touched by his words. I want to have that same kind of emotion and feeling also as I make a renewed study of The Book of Mormon a daily part of my life.

Getting Back on Track

I feel like I have been living at high speed. Racing around and around life’s race course trying to stay in my lane and ger to the finish line. Except, that the ‘finish line’ keeps changing, moving farther away and I seem to end the daily rush focused on all the things I have to do, didn’t do and wasted my time doing.

In stairwell at work

I am feeling challenged..very challenged. I am wondering if I am changing in the way that helps me be a better disciple of Jesus Christ or am just challenged and not changed?

I started this post on August 14. Today is August 29. I went back to work on Monday after 6 days of vacation. Work is stressful, no way around that but, how I manage my time outside of work is where I am feeling the most challenge/stress.

I don’t feel like I am keeping up with any of my responsibilities, my hobbies, my Gospel study, my family relationships. I feel like I am doing what absolutely has to be done 75% of the time and 25% of the time, I am not doing what I could/should be doing or I am doing it so poorly that I might as well not be doing it.

I think a big part of my problem has been that I am getting up just in time to go to the gym, on a walk or hustle to water the garden before rushing to work. I haven’t been getting up and having 30 minutes of prayer, meditation, journaling or scripture study. I am realizing that I need that time to feel recharged, grateful and focused.

The Lord has been telling me in multiple ways for years that in addition to that time spent in worship and reverence, I need to be doing 30 minutes of Family History work. “His promises are sure,” just as the song says.

Today, I did get up and went to the 5 o’clock endowment session at the Jordan River Temple. It was wonderful to be there and helped my day get off to a great start.

I listened to Elders Renlund and Cook’s April 2023 conference talks this morning.  Elder Renlund said: At that time, I learned that Belém is the gateway to the region that includes the most powerful river in the world, the Amazon River. Despite the river’s strength, twice a year something seemingly unnatural happens. When the sun, moon, and earth are aligned just so, a powerful tidal wave flows up the river, against the natural flow of the water. Waves up to 6 meters high traveling as far as 50 kilometers upstream have been documented. This phenomenon, known generally as a tidal bore, is referred to locally as pororoca, or “great roar,” because of the loud noise it makes. We can correctly conclude that even the mighty Amazon must yield to heavenly powers. Like the Amazon, we have a natural flow to our lives; we tend to do what comes naturally. Like the Amazon, with heavenly help we can do seemingly unnatural things. After all, it is not natural for us to be humble, meek, or willing to submit our wills to God. Yet only by doing so can we be transformed, return to live in the presence of God, and achieve our eternal destiny. Unlike the Amazon, we can choose whether we yield to heavenly powers or “go with the flow.” Going against the flow may be difficult. But when we yield “to the enticings of the Holy Spirit” and put off the selfish tendencies of the natural man or woman, we can receive the Savior’s transforming power in our lives, the power to do difficult things. President Russell M. Nelson taught us how to do this. He promised, “Each person who makes covenants in baptismal fonts and in temples—and keeps them—has increased access to the power of Jesus Christ … [to lift] us above the pull of this fallen world.” In other words, we can access the power of God, but only when we connect with Him through sacred covenants.

Elder Cook reminded me that I helped with the gathering of Israel today by attending the temple for Margaret McCullough born 1885 in Philadelphia.

After morning session at Oquirrh Mountain

I have much to be grateful for especially my challenges.

Watch “Avoiding Spiritual Overwhelm: Progressing “Line Upon Line” | BYU Women’s Conference, 2023” on YouTube

I listened to this presentation the other day while working in the garden. The story of the banana bread really resonated with me because it reflected so well what I do too often. I receive an impression and then instead of acting on it, I complicate it.

I overthink the impression and decide I need to elaborate on it. I need to take a gift or have something in my hand. I will write it down and do it later because I don’t have time right now.

I question if it is really an impression from God or just my own thoughts. Too often I decide it is my own thought and therefore, I can put it off or ignore because it is just me.

I just watched the video of Christ on the Road to Emmaus. The disciples who knew the Christ walked 7 miles with Him and didn’t recognize Him. How often do I miss seeing the Savior in others with whom I walk in life? I know I miss the obvious many times because I am so caught up in my own head, my own expectations and my own feelings.

I long to be one whom the Lord trusts to follow through on impressions. I know that when I am consistent in my scripture study, sincere in my prayers, dedicated in my temple attendance and focused on my covenants I am more open to the Spirit and more willing to act in faith and courage. I have such a long way to go but the Lord has promised “Lo I am with the always even unto the end of the earth.” With the Lord at my side how can I fail?