I have a wonderful life. A daughter recently got engaged ! Another daughter courageously competed in a university pageant and did extremely well! My third daughter is doing very well in her work and continues to battle debilitating depression. My oldest daughter is wrapping up her undergraduate college degree in Environmental Science.

My husband, Gil, is such a good man and loving father. He also makes a mean batch of scones. Because I work pretty much every Thursday, he started working from home on Thursdays and making the bread dough for our monthly service at the VOA Homeless Youth Shelter. He is always getting compliments on the scones. The youth really enjoy using scones as base for Navajo tacos or slathering honey butter, powdered sugar, or plain sugar on a hot scone. Just one of the many ways he supports me in my “causes. ”

I don’t think I posted about him being willing to dress up as a brine shrimp during a vigil for the Great Salt Lake. As part of any activity with LDS Earth Stewardship SLC chapter, we meet up at the Capitol on Valentine’s Day and danced and sang around the Capitol dressed as various species who call the Great Salt Lake home. Definitely, not an activity Gil would have voluntarily signed up for but he drove there with me and participated because he loves me and has fond memories of the Great Salt Lake.

I am so blessed in my life. I am humbled by the Lord’s generosity to me and my family. I know that all good things in my life are a gift from God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I know that hearing the word of God from living prophets and apostles is a true manifestation of the Lord’s love for me and all people. I know the Book of Mormon is a gift that truly keeps on giving.

just last night, I was reading Jacob 5, the longest chapter in the Book of Mormon and one of my favorite chapters. In verses 73 and 74, I read:

And there began to be the natural fruit again in the vineyard; and the natural branches began to grow and thrive exceedingly; and the wild branches began to be plucked off and to be cast away; and they did keep the root and the top thereof equal, according to the strength thereof. 74 And thus they labored, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, even until the bad had been cast away out of the vineyard, and the Lord had preserved unto himself that the trees had become again the natural fruit; and they became like unto one body; and the fruits were equal; and the Lord of the vineyard had preserved unto himself the natural fruit, which was most precious unto him from the beginning.

I had never really noticed those words before and they really struck me last night. I know the Lord of this Earth is not happy with the inequality in material possessions, the waste of the natural resources of this earth and the misuse of these resources for the obscene enrichment of a few.

The Lord is truly the Lord of the Vineyard and He expects me and everyone else to wisely and lovingly interact with this amazing creation, the world, and all living things. Reading Jacob 5 especially after listening to Mike and Bryce with Talking Scriptures podcast, fills my soul with wonder and gratitude at how much my Heavenly Father loves me and all His children. His tender and loving care of the vineyard helps me want to be a servant in the vineyard. His patience and focus on each of His “trees,” poignantly reminds me that I need to be more patient and caring when those in my small part of the vineyard, “bear bitter fruit.”

My disciple’s journey can’t be a leisurely stroll in an amazing park just taking in the sights and wonders. My hands will get dirty, my muscles and joints will ache, my eyes will want to avoid the ugly and the soul wrenching views, my heart will mourn and sometimes break as I do my minute part in helping to bring to pass the grand unfolding majesty of the Lord’s plan of happiness.

I read today these words from Elder Neal A. Maxwell spoken in April 1987. He is speaking of discipleship.

Some give of their time yet withhold themselves, being present without giving of their presence and going through the superficial motions of membership instead of the deep emotions of consecrated discipleship.

Some try to get by with knowing only the headlines of the gospel, not really talking much of Christ or rejoicing in Christ and esteeming lightly His books of scripture which contain and explain His covenants (see 2 Ne. 25:26).

Some are so proud they never learn of obedience and spiritual submissiveness. They will have very arthritic knees on the day when every knee shall bend. There will be no gallery then to play to; all will be participants!

Maintaining Church membership on our own terms, therefore, is not true discipleship.

Real disciples absorb the fiery darts of the adversary by holding aloft the quenching shield of faith with one hand, while holding to the iron rod with the other (see Eph. 6:16; 1 Ne. 15:24; D&C 27:17). There should be no mistaking; it will take both hands!

I want to be a real disciple, not a pretender. I want to be a true servant who wears out my life in service to my fellow travelers on this mortal journey.

Seasonal depression: How to treat winter blues with Nordic practices – Deseret News

My Book of Mormon study at the gym this morning focused a lot on light. The Light of Christ, the Gospel and the Light of the World.

The article in the news talks about how important natural light is to keeping our bodies and minds functioning properly, especially during winter months.

Snowshoeing near Spruces 2023

I am learning to really love snowshoeing in the Canyons. It is a great way to get natural light and exercise.

Jess led us up a mountain

I am so grateful for Jesus Christ who created such an amazing intricate world and the lights of the sun, moon and stars.