My Garden Harvest

My garden haul

I hadn’t spent much time in my garden last week. I hadn’t even watered it consistently because there were about 4 days last week it was supposed to rain. It did rain a few drops here and there and Satuday morning there was a 5 minute heavy rain. It was enough to fill both of my rain barrels! What a bleasing!

I harvested over 15 cucumbers slicing and pickling, pineapple cherry tomatoes, green beans, large Brandi tomatoes, a jalapeno, a few strawberries, swiss chard, kale, radishes, and raspberries.

It is hard to describe how satisfying and how humbling working in my garden makes me feel. I cut a lot of leaves off my strawberry plants because I have noticed they are not producing berries. I am hoping that I will start seeing more berries as the plants’ energy goes to producing berries not pretty green leaves.

It is a metaphor for I putting too much energy into activities that don’t bear eternal fruit? How can I use the energy and resources the Lord blesses me with to produce the fruit He wants me to produce?