My Impact

I often wonder if the efforts I make as a novice genealogist make a difference. I rarely seem to be able to find and attach records to the appropriate people. There are so many options sometimes and it seems like I am just guessing sometimes. Even indexing names sometimes seems like my guess as I try to decipher handwritten records from two hundred years ago. It is easy to feel like my inconsistent and novice efforts to do Family History have little impact for good.

I opened Family Search this morning to do some indexing and found this new (to me) addition to Family Search. A whole page about My Impact. The page shows records I have indexed and records I have attached to persons in Family Search. Another section shows what happened to those names that were indexed and attached.

For example,

George StanleyHanisko


You indexed George Stanley Hanisko’s name. His name was taken to the Veracruz Mexico Temple on 26 January 2019.

Many of the names I had indexed were distant relatives of mine or Gil’s, like Gil’s 10th cousin twice removed.

Virginia NorfleetJordan


You indexed Virginia Norfleet Jordan’s name. Her name was taken to the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple on 9 June 2017.

I find this new feature an answer to prayers. I keep trying to do Family History because I know that I have a responsibility to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with both the living and the dead. I have a firm testimony that making connections between families is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about. Despite having that desire and the testimony, I have struggled to be consistent in working on Family History daily. Seeing these connections now happening because I took 15 minutes to index some names or research some hints, gives me a lot of encouragement and hope that my every effort is meaningful to someone. I do make a difference.

I am also in awe of my mother Serena Watt. She just turned 85 on Saturday, January 13. She has worsening macular degeneration and struggles to see a computer screen. She is an avid indexer of records. I was visiting her this week and found her in front of the computer checking indexed records for accuracy. She has been doing this more often because she can see the typed names better than trying to discern the handwritten names. What an inspiration to me she is! An example of someone whose abilities are declining but she still makes the effort to serve others.

The screenshot shows how much work she has done over the years. I can’t even imagine what her Impact page shows!

Serena Watt’s Indexing Numbers

Seasonal depression: How to treat winter blues with Nordic practices – Deseret News

My Book of Mormon study at the gym this morning focused a lot on light. The Light of Christ, the Gospel and the Light of the World.

The article in the news talks about how important natural light is to keeping our bodies and minds functioning properly, especially during winter months.

Snowshoeing near Spruces 2023

I am learning to really love snowshoeing in the Canyons. It is a great way to get natural light and exercise.

Jess led us up a mountain

I am so grateful for Jesus Christ who created such an amazing intricate world and the lights of the sun, moon and stars.

It is begun…

Yesterday I started reviewing my journal for the last 15 months. This morning I got up and started writing my life story.

I decided to use a similar format to The Book of Mormon..a title page, eventually some witnesses, an explanation of the format and the books.

I am trying to decide if I organize the books as time periods or more along the lines of concepts/categories.

I made a commitment to myself that I would work on my life history for 20 minutes, then do 20 minutes of Family History and then 15 minutes of decluttering.

I am excited to work on this endeavor. I have known since I heard Sis. Wendy Nelson speak at 2015 BYU Women’s Conference on the power of 1 hour a day of Family History, that I need that power in my life.

I have struggled to make that 1 hour a day a habit but I have begun anew and I am going to see it through.

The Book of Mormon is an integral part of my life. Spiritual development and my journey as a follower of Jesus Christ have been made possible by the contents of The Book of Mormon and the power of its message. It truly is Another Testament of Christ. http://Book of Mormon

I have realized that I don’t share my testimony of the truthfulness, power, and spirit of The Book of Mormon enough. 2024 is the year I change that. I will speak out and I will testify with courage and love.

Recently, a dear friend whom I greatly admire, shared with me his love of The Book of Mormon. He told me how he has read from the Book of Mormon nightly for years. In a voice full of emotion he shared how much he loved the book and how it has blessed his life. My heart was deeply touched by his words. I want to have that same kind of emotion and feeling also as I make a renewed study of The Book of Mormon a daily part of my life.

2023 Reflections

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."  Xavier University 

I have been thinking about what I have learned from life in 2023. I have been trying to make a list of some the most impactful learning experiences.

Out trip to Ecuador even though it was in December 2022 the experiences of caring for the disabled orphans at OSSO and being in Ecuador have had a lot of positive influence on me.

I learned anew how very comfortable my life is and how much I take for granted in my daily life. I realized as I traveled from Cuenca to Banos and back that I can be more aware, more in the moment and more thankful.

I want to keep trying to answer the question: what standard of living is sustainable and helps people thrive wherever they live in the world?


Tonight Micole, Cassandra, Austin, Gil and I played Skull King. Tyler was also here but he watched and coached Nicole during the game.

Austin is very good at explaining games. He is able to explain complex rules in a way that I can pick up the game pretty quickly. I actually came in 2nd place tonight.

On New Year’s Eve, Gil, Hannah, Tracy, Steve, and Grandma Parkin and I played Settlers of Cataan. We love playing that game and used to play it weekly with Gil’s siblings. We have created many enjoyable memories and lost some sleep playing Settlers. We would all have our kids with us and they played and had fun until they fell asleep at midnight or later.

I truly enjoy playing board and card games. I have also developed a habit of playing Wordle. I have played Wordle for 136 days straight. Today’s word was ‘aging.’

New Year’s Day 2024

I took some time to be outside today. I added to my compost piles. I filled 2 wheelbarrows of leaves from the road gutter and put the leaves in my garden. I planted onions that had sprouted and also buried 4 different zucchini and yellow squash to see if they will grow come spring. Amazingly, the spinach and other greens I planted in October have grown this much despite freezing temperatures and not much moisture.

We have had very little snow this year. Reason for concern certainly. I plan to fast this upcoming Fast Sunday for snow.

Gil and I worked on various projects around the house today. Samantha and Dan returned to Durango today. Miss them already.

I found this quote to be very meaningful to me.