I have a wonderful life. A daughter recently got engaged ! Another daughter courageously competed in a university pageant and did extremely well! My third daughter is doing very well in her work and continues to battle debilitating depression. My oldest daughter is wrapping up her undergraduate college degree in Environmental Science.

My husband, Gil, is such a good man and loving father. He also makes a mean batch of scones. Because I work pretty much every Thursday, he started working from home on Thursdays and making the bread dough for our monthly service at the VOA Homeless Youth Shelter. He is always getting compliments on the scones. The youth really enjoy using scones as base for Navajo tacos or slathering honey butter, powdered sugar, or plain sugar on a hot scone. Just one of the many ways he supports me in my “causes. ”

I don’t think I posted about him being willing to dress up as a brine shrimp during a vigil for the Great Salt Lake. As part of any activity with LDS Earth Stewardship SLC chapter, we meet up at the Capitol on Valentine’s Day and danced and sang around the Capitol dressed as various species who call the Great Salt Lake home. Definitely, not an activity Gil would have voluntarily signed up for but he drove there with me and participated because he loves me and has fond memories of the Great Salt Lake.

I am so blessed in my life. I am humbled by the Lord’s generosity to me and my family. I know that all good things in my life are a gift from God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I know that hearing the word of God from living prophets and apostles is a true manifestation of the Lord’s love for me and all people. I know the Book of Mormon is a gift that truly keeps on giving.

just last night, I was reading Jacob 5, the longest chapter in the Book of Mormon and one of my favorite chapters. In verses 73 and 74, I read:

And there began to be the natural fruit again in the vineyard; and the natural branches began to grow and thrive exceedingly; and the wild branches began to be plucked off and to be cast away; and they did keep the root and the top thereof equal, according to the strength thereof. 74 And thus they labored, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard, even until the bad had been cast away out of the vineyard, and the Lord had preserved unto himself that the trees had become again the natural fruit; and they became like unto one body; and the fruits were equal; and the Lord of the vineyard had preserved unto himself the natural fruit, which was most precious unto him from the beginning.

I had never really noticed those words before and they really struck me last night. I know the Lord of this Earth is not happy with the inequality in material possessions, the waste of the natural resources of this earth and the misuse of these resources for the obscene enrichment of a few.

The Lord is truly the Lord of the Vineyard and He expects me and everyone else to wisely and lovingly interact with this amazing creation, the world, and all living things. Reading Jacob 5 especially after listening to Mike and Bryce with Talking Scriptures podcast, fills my soul with wonder and gratitude at how much my Heavenly Father loves me and all His children. His tender and loving care of the vineyard helps me want to be a servant in the vineyard. His patience and focus on each of His “trees,” poignantly reminds me that I need to be more patient and caring when those in my small part of the vineyard, “bear bitter fruit.”

My disciple’s journey can’t be a leisurely stroll in an amazing park just taking in the sights and wonders. My hands will get dirty, my muscles and joints will ache, my eyes will want to avoid the ugly and the soul wrenching views, my heart will mourn and sometimes break as I do my minute part in helping to bring to pass the grand unfolding majesty of the Lord’s plan of happiness.

I read today these words from Elder Neal A. Maxwell spoken in April 1987. He is speaking of discipleship.

Some give of their time yet withhold themselves, being present without giving of their presence and going through the superficial motions of membership instead of the deep emotions of consecrated discipleship.

Some try to get by with knowing only the headlines of the gospel, not really talking much of Christ or rejoicing in Christ and esteeming lightly His books of scripture which contain and explain His covenants (see 2 Ne. 25:26).

Some are so proud they never learn of obedience and spiritual submissiveness. They will have very arthritic knees on the day when every knee shall bend. There will be no gallery then to play to; all will be participants!

Maintaining Church membership on our own terms, therefore, is not true discipleship.

Real disciples absorb the fiery darts of the adversary by holding aloft the quenching shield of faith with one hand, while holding to the iron rod with the other (see Eph. 6:16; 1 Ne. 15:24; D&C 27:17). There should be no mistaking; it will take both hands!

I want to be a real disciple, not a pretender. I want to be a true servant who wears out my life in service to my fellow travelers on this mortal journey.

Watch “Avoiding Spiritual Overwhelm: Progressing “Line Upon Line” | BYU Women’s Conference, 2023” on YouTube

I listened to this presentation the other day while working in the garden. The story of the banana bread really resonated with me because it reflected so well what I do too often. I receive an impression and then instead of acting on it, I complicate it.

I overthink the impression and decide I need to elaborate on it. I need to take a gift or have something in my hand. I will write it down and do it later because I don’t have time right now.

I question if it is really an impression from God or just my own thoughts. Too often I decide it is my own thought and therefore, I can put it off or ignore because it is just me.

I just watched the video of Christ on the Road to Emmaus. The disciples who knew the Christ walked 7 miles with Him and didn’t recognize Him. How often do I miss seeing the Savior in others with whom I walk in life? I know I miss the obvious many times because I am so caught up in my own head, my own expectations and my own feelings.

I long to be one whom the Lord trusts to follow through on impressions. I know that when I am consistent in my scripture study, sincere in my prayers, dedicated in my temple attendance and focused on my covenants I am more open to the Spirit and more willing to act in faith and courage. I have such a long way to go but the Lord has promised “Lo I am with the always even unto the end of the earth.” With the Lord at my side how can I fail?

Book of Mormon Study

Today my reading was from Mosiah 27

I have read the Book of Mormon many times in my life. I have a firm testimony that it is the word of God. I know the teachings, the stories and the especially the coming of Jesus Christ to the Americas have blessed my life.

The words of the Book of Mormon were written for me and all of us today. The prophets of the Book of Mormon saw my day and were inspired to record words that help me be a better person.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has made the words of the Book of Mormon available to many people in their own language.

The Book of Mormon app is a great way to study the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

For me, reading, studying and now watching the videos of the Book of Mormon, has provided the greatest self help tool ever created. I am a more loving wife, mother, daughter, friend, neighbor and colleague because of what the Book of Mormon has taught me.

Jesus Christ and Family History

I attended Rootstech 2023 earlier this month. I watched the introduction video for ward and stake leaders today while I was exercising.

My parents at Idaho Falls Temple

I was struck by the fact that it wasn’t until 18 minutes into the presentation by Elders Gong and Bednar, President Porter, Sister Yee, and Elders Hamilton and Duncan, that any of them used the words family history or geneaology!! The entire focus was on Jesus Christ and how, knowing Him and seeking to emulate Him by keeping commandments and ordinances of the Gospel, connects us to Him and to our families.

I had a few Aha! moments as I listened and pedaled and sweated.  1. The focus of everything needs to be Jesus Christ. 2. I need to believe more in miracles and the saving and healing grace of Jesus Christ in my own life and the lives of my husband and children. I keep asking the Lord what I should be doing to help them come unto  Christ but I realize I need to give the control to the Lord and just ask that He make me an instrument in His hands. I can’t bring my family to Christ only He can. 3. I need to spend more time in the temple and also researching family names.

Here is the link for the session. It is about 40 minutes long.  Utah

What I Believe and Why

And now behold, I say unto you that the right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore ye must bow down before him, and worship him with all your might, mind, and strength, and your whole soul; and if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast out. 2 Nephi 25:29

These words are from The Book Of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Nephi, the first prophet of the Book of Mormon, wrote these words over 2000 years ago to his children but also to me and all who now live.

My main goal in life is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ by learning of Him, reading and studying His words and the words of His prophets, trying to be like Him and showing love for everyone whom I meet as He did and does.

My life IS meaningful and my joy IS real because Jesus Christ is my Savior. He is the Light that gives me hope and energy to keep trying to be more like Him. Anything good in my life comes from Him.

I am so grateful for the gift of The Book of Mormon. I read a few verses from The Book of Mormon everyday and my life is blessed by those words everday.

I encourage you to let The Book of Mormon bless your life. Click on the link to request a free copy of The Book of Mormon. I promise you that your life will be blessed as you come to know Jesus Christ and feel His love for you.



Rise and Walk by Simon Dewey

President George Albert Smith (1870–1951) said of ministering to others: “Our eternal happiness will be in proportion to the way that we devote ourselves to helping others.” The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Minister

I have been studying from a work book called Learn of Me by Stephanie Dibb Sorensen. She put together scriptures talks and articles about the life and attributes of the Savior based off Topical Guide references on Jesus Christ. I started this study in Septmeber, 2021.

In January 2017, President Russell M. Nelson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gave this advice: “Commence tonight to consecrate a portion of your time each week to studying everything Jesus said and did.” He suggested using the Topical Guide to do this. President Nelson in General Conference April 2017 related that he had done this challenge and he had become, “a different man,” as a result of his intensive study.

At first, I only did the study on Sundays but more recently I have tried to do it every day even if just for a few minutes. I am currently studying the attributes of Jesus Christ from a series in 2014 printed for Relief Society Visiting Teaching lessons.

This particular attribute of ministering is one that I have struggled to do consistently in my life. I tell myself that I am here to serve others but far to often my daily actions are selfish and focused on my needs.

Even at work where it is my job to minister to the needs of the sick, I have to make a conscious effort to focus on the needs of the patient and their families versus my need to get ‘my work’ done.

I really love the verse quoted above by President Smith and know that my life has been most rewarding when I am immersed in the ministering to others such as during my mission working in a refugee camp in Thailand, during the time my children were young and sporadically since then when doing intensive service for my Church callings. The other times I truly feel like I am ministering are the nights my family and I make and serve dinner to homeless youth in Salt Lake City.

Navajo Taco and Scone Night at Homeless Youth Resource Center

The effort to serve and the feeling of being of service are worth the ‘sacrifce’ of self, time and resources. I will keep working on developing this attribute in my life every day.

An Amazing Sunday

Today has been a really good day of rest for me though I really haven’t rested much. I was able to attend Sacrament Meeting and Relief Society in the Welby 1st Ward, my ward. I had time to study scriptures this morning. I was able to attend Ward Choir practice and sing with some ward friends beautifully written music. I am always in awe of those who write song lyrics and melodies! Then was able to listen in on a Zoom connection to a meeting of the Utah Afghan Youth Collective. So many people willing to volunteer and organize in order to aid recently arrived Afghan youth as they transition to life in Utah/America.

Samantha helped me in the kitchen this afternoon. We made banana nut bread, apple crisp, pasta e fagioli, green chicken chili, and scones. We took dinner over to my in-laws and had Navajo Tacos using the scones. My kitchen is an absolute mess now but I don’t need to cook tomorrow.

I studied this morning from Learn of Me Jesus Christ in the Topical Guide: An Annotated Study Workbook by Stephanie Dibb Sorensen. I was reading in Matthew about the Savior giving the Sermon on the Mount. Using the BYU Scripture Citation Index I found a talk given by then Elder Russell M. Nelson in October 2002 General Conference “Blessed Are the Peacemakers

I was so struck by this talk and its content and context. Elder Nelson gave this talk just a year after September 11, 2001. He basically gives the blueprint for addressing racism, racial disparity, war, conflict, and even the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Some quotes from his talk:

Peace can prevail only when that natural inclination to fight is superseded by self-determination to live on a loftier level.

He taught the Golden Rule: “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”15 This principle is found in nearly every major religion. Others such as Confucius and Aristotle have also taught it.16 After all, the gospel did not begin with the birth of the Babe in Bethlehem. It is everlasting. It was proclaimed in the beginning to Adam and Eve. Portions of the gospel have been preserved in many cultures. Even heathen mythologies have been enriched by fragments of truth from earlier dispensations.

Wherever it is found and however it is expressed, the Golden Rule encompasses the moral code of the kingdom of God. It forbids interference by one with the rights of another. It is equally binding upon nations, associations, and individuals. With compassion and forbearance, it replaces the retaliatory reactions of “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”17 If we were to stay on that old and unproductive path, we would be but blind and toothless.18

This concept of treating others as one would like to be treated is easy to understand. And it acknowledges the precious nature of each of God’s sons and daughters.19

Because of the long history of hostility upon the earth, many feel that peace is beyond hope. I disagree. Peace is possible. We can learn to love our fellow human beings throughout the world. Whether they be Jewish, Islamic, or fellow Christians, whether Hindu, Buddhist, or other, we can live together with mutual admiration and respect, without forsaking our religious convictions. Things we have in common are greater than are our differences. Peace is a prime priority that pleads for our pursuit. Old Testament prophets held out hope and so should we. The Psalmist said, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”28 “He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth.”29

Father Abraham was uniquely called a “Friend of God.”30 Peace was one of Abraham’s highest priorities. He sought to be a “prince of peace.”31 His influence could loom large in our present pursuit of peace. His sons, Ishmael and Isaac, though born of different mothers, overcame their differences when engaged in a common cause. After their father died, they worked together to bury the mortal remains of their exalted father.32 Their descendants could well follow that pattern.

So descendants of Abraham—entrusted with great promises of infinite influence—are in a pivotal position to emerge as peacemakers. Chosen by the Almighty, they can direct their powerful potential toward peace.

I am a descendant of Abraham. Today I chose to follow the path of peace. I am getting involved in helping Afghan refugees just arriving in Utah. I am still not entirely sure exactly how I can help but, I know I can help. I am also going to work to help others who desire to serve, find ways to serve and lift.

Elder Nelson ends his talk:

Now, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, what does the Lord expect of us? As a Church, we must “renounce war and proclaim peace.”37 As individuals, we should “follow after the things which make for peace.”38 We should be personal peacemakers. We should live peacefully—as couples, families, and neighbors. We should live by the Golden Rule. We have writings of the descendants of Judah as now merged with writings of the descendants of Ephraim.39 We should employ them and expand our circle of love to embrace the whole human family. We should bring divine love and revealed doctrines of restored religion to our neighbors and friends. We should serve them according to our abilities and opportunities. We should keep our principles on a high level and stand for the right. We should continue to gather scattered Israel from the four corners of the earth and offer the ordinances and covenants that seal families together forever. These blessings we are to bring to people of all nations.

By so living, our Master will bless us. He provided this promise: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”40

Ours is His supernal cause. Ours is the cause of eternal glory for all humankind.

Jolene and Dennis Mackay spoke in Sacrament Meeting today. Wonderful and thoughtful talks that greatly inspired me. Sis. Mackay quoted from Alvin F. Meredith III, of the Seventy, Look Down the Road. The quote that hit me like a ton of bricks was from the story of Peter Walking on Water: While he (Peter) focused on the Savior, he could do the impossible, even walk on water.

All the things that I want to, have to, need to get done/accomplished are only possible if I focus on the Savior.