Sunday Morning Study

Abiding in God and Repairing the Breach

In reading from Learn of Me a study guide on Jesus Christ in the Topical Guide, this morning I was directed to this talk by Sis. Neill F. Marriott. She asks several insightful questions that I plan on pondering today.

1. How are we going to wholeheartedly accept His invitation to draw near to Him and thus enjoy the blessings He longs to give us in this life and in the world to come?

2. Do we trust Him enough to abide in Him and walk with Him?

3. What matters to you? What is lasting to you?

4. Can you feel the depth of the love running through Their preparations for your joy and growth?

Sis. Marriott uses this scripture from Isaiah 58:12. “And they that shall be of the shall build the old waste places; though shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach and the restorer of the paths to dwell in.”

I want to be a repairer of the breach and build up waste places. Waste places and breaches in people’s hearts and souls and relationships as well as waste places in lives and our environment. Our Heavenly Father’s love is the truly the key to life and growth.

“When we give our heart to the Father and the Son, we change our world–even if the circumstances around us do not change.” Neill F. Marriott

My Front Lawn- A Waste Place

Day #7 Family History Journey

Today, I had clinical for BYU N342 at University of Utah Hospital, Huntsman Cancer Hospital and Craig Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital in Salt Lake City. I started the day at 3:30 am and clinical ends around 4:15 pm. I love working with my nursing students. They are truly remarkable in their consistent efforts to learn the Healer’s Art.

I spoke with family member while driving home today and it was very good conversation. At the end of the conversation I felt prompted to talk about receiving help from the other side of the veil. My comment was well received and acknowledged as valid by my family member. She agreed to read an article I told her I would send on that topic.

As I drove home tonight from Gil’s parents home, I listened to one of my favorite talks on the power of Family History by Elder Dale G. Renlund. He gave this talk in April 2018 General Conference. It was entitled: Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing. I encourage you to watch/listen to this talk and then read it over and over again. He shares the following list of blessings that come from doing Family History:

  • Increased understanding of the Savior and His atoning sacrifice;
  • Increased influence of the Holy Ghost7 to feel strength and direction for our own lives;
  • Increased faith, so that conversion to the Savior becomes deep and abiding;
  • Increased ability and motivation to learn and repent8 because of an understanding of who we are, where we come from, and a clearer vision of where we are going;
  • Increased refining, sanctifying, and moderating influences in our hearts;
  • Increased joy through an increased ability to feel the love of the Lord;
  • Increased family blessings, no matter our current, past, or future family situation or how imperfect our family tree may be;
  • Increased love and appreciation for ancestors and living relatives, so we no longer feel alone;
  • Increased power to discern that which needs healing and thus, with the Lord’s help, serve others;
  • Increased protection from temptations and the intensifying influence of the adversary; and
  • Increased assistance to mend troubled, broken, or anxious hearts and make the wounded whole.

Which of these blessings have you been praying for in your life?

The talk that got me truly started on my Family History Journey happened in April 2015 at BYU Women’s Conference. It was the keynote address of the conference given by Sis. Wendy Watson Nelson, the wife of President Nelson. Listening to her speak that day in the Marriott Center, it was like hearing about Family History and covenants in a completely different language that spoke directly to my heart, mind and spirit. At that time of my life, I really tried to do the 21-day challenge but I think I ended up doing it for a couple of weeks, not 21 days. However, that desire to do Family History, has not left and I have tried multiple times to consistently do Family History on a daily basis.

As I wrote on Day #1 of my journey, I very committed to succeed this time. I feel like I need and the Lord needs me to do this because there are things my Heavenly Father wants me to do that will require my faith and sincere effort in keeping my covenant to gather Israel and consecrate my time, talents and everything I am to Him.

Pres. Nelson has said, “Anytime we do anything that helps anyone … make and keep their covenants with God, we are helping to gather Israel.”4 Well, I am going to propose to a couple of my family members that they do a version of Sis. Nelson’s 21-day Family History experiment because they need several of the blessings Elder Renlund shared in his talk.