May 14 Post Mother’s Day Reflections

I had a great Mother’s Day weekend. I was able to help my mother-in-law and sister-in-law on Saturday. Sunday, I enjoyed a quiet morning of study followed by an uplifting Sacrament Meeting. Relief Society was a chance to connect with my ward friends, many of whom have been friends for over 20 years.

The afternoon was relaxing. Jessica and Nicole prepared a wonderful meal and organized a get-together with my sisters and sister-in-law.

It was an enjoyable meal and evening together. We shared stories and caught up with family events. My family in Idaho was similarly gathered with our mother.

Mother’s Day 2024 with Liz, Krista and Barb

My ward Relief Society shared this quote. My own mother came to mind immediately when I read this quote because she personifies someone who goes about doing good, like the Savior.

In February, she fell in her kitchen while making cookies. I was able to go up to Idaho on the day she was released from the hospital. On the way home, she was checking on friends in her ward whom she knew were sick or struggling. It wasn’t long after we arrived home that she was checking on her indexing activities.

My mother has been able to make a remarkable recovery from her hip fracture, and I believe the secret to her recovery is her focus on others. She always wants to be doing and serving. Despite having to use a walker to get around, she does housework, cooks, goes on walks with friends, accompanies friends to appointments, and visits the sick.

My mother is a woman who truly blesses others’ lives by her “efforts.” She emulates the example of the Savior of the World as she goes ..”about doing good. ” 

My mother and father visiting my sister Allison’s grave on March 27, 2024

I am so grateful for my mother. She is a profound influence on my life.  I am truly blessed to be her daughter.

Watch “Avoiding Spiritual Overwhelm: Progressing “Line Upon Line” | BYU Women’s Conference, 2023” on YouTube

I listened to this presentation the other day while working in the garden. The story of the banana bread really resonated with me because it reflected so well what I do too often. I receive an impression and then instead of acting on it, I complicate it.

I overthink the impression and decide I need to elaborate on it. I need to take a gift or have something in my hand. I will write it down and do it later because I don’t have time right now.

I question if it is really an impression from God or just my own thoughts. Too often I decide it is my own thought and therefore, I can put it off or ignore because it is just me.

I just watched the video of Christ on the Road to Emmaus. The disciples who knew the Christ walked 7 miles with Him and didn’t recognize Him. How often do I miss seeing the Savior in others with whom I walk in life? I know I miss the obvious many times because I am so caught up in my own head, my own expectations and my own feelings.

I long to be one whom the Lord trusts to follow through on impressions. I know that when I am consistent in my scripture study, sincere in my prayers, dedicated in my temple attendance and focused on my covenants I am more open to the Spirit and more willing to act in faith and courage. I have such a long way to go but the Lord has promised “Lo I am with the always even unto the end of the earth.” With the Lord at my side how can I fail?