It is begun…

Yesterday I started reviewing my journal for the last 15 months. This morning I got up and started writing my life story.

I decided to use a similar format to The Book of Mormon..a title page, eventually some witnesses, an explanation of the format and the books.

I am trying to decide if I organize the books as time periods or more along the lines of concepts/categories.

I made a commitment to myself that I would work on my life history for 20 minutes, then do 20 minutes of Family History and then 15 minutes of decluttering.

I am excited to work on this endeavor. I have known since I heard Sis. Wendy Nelson speak at 2015 BYU Women’s Conference on the power of 1 hour a day of Family History, that I need that power in my life.

I have struggled to make that 1 hour a day a habit but I have begun anew and I am going to see it through.

The Book of Mormon is an integral part of my life. Spiritual development and my journey as a follower of Jesus Christ have been made possible by the contents of The Book of Mormon and the power of its message. It truly is Another Testament of Christ. http://Book of Mormon

I have realized that I don’t share my testimony of the truthfulness, power, and spirit of The Book of Mormon enough. 2024 is the year I change that. I will speak out and I will testify with courage and love.

Recently, a dear friend whom I greatly admire, shared with me his love of The Book of Mormon. He told me how he has read from the Book of Mormon nightly for years. In a voice full of emotion he shared how much he loved the book and how it has blessed his life. My heart was deeply touched by his words. I want to have that same kind of emotion and feeling also as I make a renewed study of The Book of Mormon a daily part of my life.

Book of Mormon Study

Today my reading was from Mosiah 27

I have read the Book of Mormon many times in my life. I have a firm testimony that it is the word of God. I know the teachings, the stories and the especially the coming of Jesus Christ to the Americas have blessed my life.

The words of the Book of Mormon were written for me and all of us today. The prophets of the Book of Mormon saw my day and were inspired to record words that help me be a better person.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has made the words of the Book of Mormon available to many people in their own language.

The Book of Mormon app is a great way to study the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

For me, reading, studying and now watching the videos of the Book of Mormon, has provided the greatest self help tool ever created. I am a more loving wife, mother, daughter, friend, neighbor and colleague because of what the Book of Mormon has taught me.

What I Believe and Why

And now behold, I say unto you that the right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore ye must bow down before him, and worship him with all your might, mind, and strength, and your whole soul; and if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast out. 2 Nephi 25:29

These words are from The Book Of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Nephi, the first prophet of the Book of Mormon, wrote these words over 2000 years ago to his children but also to me and all who now live.

My main goal in life is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ by learning of Him, reading and studying His words and the words of His prophets, trying to be like Him and showing love for everyone whom I meet as He did and does.

My life IS meaningful and my joy IS real because Jesus Christ is my Savior. He is the Light that gives me hope and energy to keep trying to be more like Him. Anything good in my life comes from Him.

I am so grateful for the gift of The Book of Mormon. I read a few verses from The Book of Mormon everyday and my life is blessed by those words everday.

I encourage you to let The Book of Mormon bless your life. Click on the link to request a free copy of The Book of Mormon. I promise you that your life will be blessed as you come to know Jesus Christ and feel His love for you.