Sunday Morning Study

Abiding in God and Repairing the Breach

In reading from Learn of Me a study guide on Jesus Christ in the Topical Guide, this morning I was directed to this talk by Sis. Neill F. Marriott. She asks several insightful questions that I plan on pondering today.

1. How are we going to wholeheartedly accept His invitation to draw near to Him and thus enjoy the blessings He longs to give us in this life and in the world to come?

2. Do we trust Him enough to abide in Him and walk with Him?

3. What matters to you? What is lasting to you?

4. Can you feel the depth of the love running through Their preparations for your joy and growth?

Sis. Marriott uses this scripture from Isaiah 58:12. “And they that shall be of the shall build the old waste places; though shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach and the restorer of the paths to dwell in.”

I want to be a repairer of the breach and build up waste places. Waste places and breaches in people’s hearts and souls and relationships as well as waste places in lives and our environment. Our Heavenly Father’s love is the truly the key to life and growth.

“When we give our heart to the Father and the Son, we change our world–even if the circumstances around us do not change.” Neill F. Marriott

My Front Lawn- A Waste Place