September 19, 2021

Catching Up..a common theme in my life

Lunch at Garcia’s Restaurant in Idaho Falls, Idaho on September 14, my parents’ 58th Wedding Anniversary. Hiking Taggart Lake Trail in Grand Teton National Park on September 12. Caprese Salad from This Sandwich Place in Logan, utah

Making tinfoil dinners at our cabin at the Snake River RV and Cabins in Hoback Junction. Nicole and I had portobello mushroom in our tinfoil dinner rather than hamburger..delicious.

Gil and I participated as volunteers for Lotoja Bike Race on Wednesday, September 9 at registration packet pickup in Farmington, Utah. Friday we drove to Logan and helped with registration there until around 9 pm. We drove to Montpelier, Idaho and stayed at the Super 8 Motel. We got up at 5:30 and drove to Feed Station #2 in Strawberry Canyon about 20 miles west of Montpelier. We worked there handing out water bottles to riders at mile 54 of the 200 mile bike race. Then we drove to Hoback Junction and Snake River Cabins arriving before the girls made it there.

Gil at Lotoja Registration in Logan. Feed Station #2 Strawberry Canyon on Lotoja route. Fall colors near Montpelier, Idaho.

This week I had early morning clinical at Orem Rehabilitation on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Saturday I had my first clinical at University of Utah Medical Center. I will need to get some pictures from my students.

Today I worked for Intermountain and listened to Welby 1st Ward Sacrament meeting. I also listened to some great music by Matthew West. He wrote a song called “Do Something” that seems to express what I am trying to do with my life. (109) Matthew West – Do Something – YouTube

I am trying to read a conference talk a day in preparation for October General Conference. Krista, my sister, gave me this wonderful journal and I am learning so much as I read, ponder and record. I have missed a few days this month so I have some catching up to do.