Day#13 Family History Journey

Today I got up early and was able using the Temple Reservation feature to make temple appointments for the next 5 weeks.

It is my Grandpa Baldwin’s 113th birthday today. I posted on FB about it being his birthday and asked people to share memories.

My aunt Betty called and thanked me for the letter I posted from Family Search about George D. Watt. She had already called my parents about it and was going to call Uncle Bill. I need to email the letter to him as he doesn’t use FB.

I also want to visit Gail and Betty and some of my other aunts and uncles on Saturday next week when I am home. Maybe, i can get their memories recorded while I am there.

So even though I didn’t spend a full hour this morning..I did end up doing some FH through the day.

Part of my own story happened tonight as the Wheel of Time book series by Robert Jordan became a TV series. Gil and I watched the first 2 episodes tonight. I started reading that series before I went on my mission and the last book came out about 5 years ago. It is also something I share with my Dad, Tim and Kevin.