4 months and 2 days!!

It has been 4 months and 2 days since my January 22 FH Reboot. Wow! And I have made maybe 5 entries since then…

LIFE!! Well, life has been crazy and my life has seen a lot of changes. The world has seen a lot of changes like Russia invading Ukraine, the end? of the COVID pandemic, high inflation, and a very tight job market.

My life change list includes 1. I am now working full time for Intermountain Healthcare as a nurse case manager on T6. 2. I resigned from being a BYU clinical instructor going forward (not because I didn’t love that job, I did, but because I want work at one job full time..I have never done that or at least not for a long time). 3. Gil and I are adapting to being empty nesters. 4. I am down to 150 pounds and hopefully still losing. 5. I am becoming a real hiker and have done a hike or at least a 2 mile walk for 19 weeks!! 6. I am more community involved than ever and loving it. 7. I have attended the temple almost weekly for the last 5 months. 8. I am learning more and more about being a disciple of Jesus Christ and developing Christlike attributes. 9. I have always been a fairly early riser but 5:30 is pretty normal for me now with hopefully 3 to 4 days/week of 4:30 am. 10. Seems like there should be 10 things but can’t think of one right now.

I am still trying to establish a consistent habit of daily FH. I watched a great video today from Rootstech 2022 that helped to demotivate. It showed some quick ways I can do FH on my phone in short 5 to 10 minute increments. Today, on the way to work I updated my Journey app for the last week with photos I had taken but not added to Journey. I also updated my 52 Hike FB page for the first time in months. The video: How to Save Your Best Memories is linked below.


Flowers on Grandeur Peak May 2022
My parents Max and Serena Watt at Idaho Falls Temple May 2022
Gil and I in St. George, Utah April 2022
View from Grandeur Peak Mother’s Day 2022
Jess and I in Dixie Rock area April 2022