Day #5 Family History Journey

Family Search is an amazing example of so much innovation and technological advancement. There is a new way to help with Family History by improving the accuracy of Family Tree. It gives you 10 places to review and help confirm the accuracy of the listed place. I have learned a lot about geography and how to do research on finding places. Just click on the link above and it will take you to the page if you have a Family Search account. Signing up for Family Search is very easy and you don’t have to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

They are trying out some new features on Family Search. I was able to post 3 pictures about a Parkin Family Campout in August 2002 and write a little bit about the pictures. I tried to use the feature to tag people in the photos but that didn’t seem to work as well, could be user error. Here is a link that allows people to see the post on Family Search.

Here is another fun article on Family Search about Cousins.

Family Tree Hub_ Cousins_v3 (

cousin-calculator-2.jpg (5100×3000) (

The home page of Family Search will show ancestors who are missing information, sources in a section called Recommended Tasks. I am trying to find out about Mrs. Lewis, my 5th great-grandmother on my Grandma Watt’s side. The line stops with her and her husband, David Lewis. I am going to need some angelic help on this one, I think.