
It is July 14, 2021. I started working on creating this blogsite in January 2021. I have gone a month and sometimes more at time without touching this. I finally decided on Sunday that I just need to launch this site and then use my study time in the mornings to work on this site.

I am not writing this really for anyone but my family, some friends, maybe some neighbors and colleagues who might be interested in my thoughts, activities and creativity.

I call this site My World Creating because I have learned, am learning, that I am truly a co-creator with the Lord. I am trying to create a Christlike home and life for myself, my wonderful husband, Gil, and our beautiful daughters and whomever else lives in our home. I am also trying to help family and in-laws and friends create healing and safe homes through my ministering efforts.

I chose today to launch because I was able to return to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for the first time in 18 months. I am so grateful to be back in the temple. I have already made my next appointment!!

I am excited to share the things I am learning from books, podcasts, Zoom presentations, personal experience, the scriptures and so many sources.

Right now I am reading the book, actually listening on Audible, to Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. Fascinating read because it talks about multiple ways to help reduce the devastating effects of global warming. There are some of the things that are discussed that I can do: conserve water, plant a garden, eat a mostly plant-based diet, eat locally grown, seasonal foods, drive less to name a few.

I recently volunteered for a group called LDS Earth Stewardship. I help with the monthly Zoom meetings. Sister Sharon Eubanks of the General Relief Society Presidency spoke at this group’s Fall Forum in 2020.

Sister Eubank asked three question and one of them has really given me a jolt. Her questions:

  1. When we waste what others desperately need, what are the ramifications to our physical hearts and our unity?
  2. When we look at our own creations, or the creations that we’re a part of, how do we feel? How do we feel being in God’s creation and what is that experience like for us?
  3. How can we frame the discussion so that we stop having the same unsuccessful conversation between people who believe in protecting the earth and people who believe in protecting business?

My own garden this year has been such a source of comfort, peace, wonder, awe to me over the last 18 months. I just picked my first handful of green beans today! Here are pictures of other produce I have harvested in the last few months.

I am officially working from home now. Intermountain Healthcare has no plans to move Utilization Review back into the hospitals. I even found a standing desk at Costco that is helping me avoid sitting for long periods of time.

I was vaccinated for Covid-19 in January!!

I started using the app NOOM on March 31 for weight loss and so far I have lost 20 pounds!! I have more energy and my clothes fit much better. It is a wonderful journey I am on with NOOM and I so appreciate all that I am learning about food, emotions, eating, stress, thoughts, choices, etc. I personally think that everyone should use the app because it helps one learn how one thinks and makes decisions and learning those things is helping me become a much better person. A much more thoughtful, engaged, and present wife, mother, daughter, friend, employee, sister.

I didn’t launch this day. I started working on other things that I needed to do and never got back to this but it is good information.